
Owaneco Lodge annually bestows several honors and awards upon deserving members of the Order.

Vigil Honor

The Vigil Honor is a high mark of distinction and recognition reserved for those Arrowmen who, by reason of exceptional service, personal effort, and unselfish interest, have made distinguished contributions beyond the immediate responsibilities of their position or office to one or more of the following: their Lodge, the Order of the Arrow, Scouting, or their Scout Camp. 

The Vigil Honor is the highest honor that the Order of the Arrow can bestow upon its members for service to lodge, council, and Scouting. It dates from the year 1915, when founder E. Urner Goodman became the first Vigil Honor Member. Since then, thousands of members have been given this honor.

NameLenni Lenape NameEnglish TranslationClass Year
ConnorCarlsonWingolauchsik Gischihan UtscheCheerful Crafter who Soars2024
JuliaCloughNgemewi Sakima Ndoniken NemoaganSteady Chief Seeks a Higher Vision2024
JosephUshchakWingolausik Kiken Nemen GanschewenCheerful Healer who Sees the Music2024
TylerRapilloKikehuwet Wikhetschik NageuchsinMedicine Man Who Builds Hope2024
BenjaminRickelMachkeu Nenajungeshammen NutikenRed Riding Ranger2024
JenniferBelowAllowat Kiken NanatschitaquikMighty Healer of Tenderness2023
ChristianBjorkLangundowi Nosawoapamen AllogaganHarmonious Steadfast Servant2023
MarshallMorseSkattek Gischitelien LachxowilennoFiery and Determined Captian2023
MerlynNeunteufelMilit Nendawagan WewoatamoewapnOne who Passes the Torch of Wisdom2023
NielsThomsenWewoapisak Woatawes SchajahikanDefender of the Laurel Shores2023
ZacharyChittendenLitchewagan Lekhiket KschamehhallaThoughtful Writer who Runs Fast2022
SamiEl-AbidWdelinamen Gishiton AchigiguwenImaginative Planner of Games2022
EdwardGratrixTemakwe Sakima EhatehikesBeaver Chief who Puts Out Fires2022
JosephHarringtonNimat Langundowi AchewonBrother of Peace and Strength2022
JosephLoffredoPethakwonn Glakeledam ElangomatThunderous and Energetic Friend2022
JohnValus, SrAchgeketum Wiechenin WulamallessinTeaching Chef with Big Smile2022
PeterHinkleWikhetschik WimachtendienkBuilder of Brotherhood2021
WilliamHinkleAchewiecheu AllogaganEnergetic Servant2021
MichaelLanoAlappiechsin Takachsin SapiwaganFast Talker Who Commands Lightning2021
JordanMeyerWowoatam SchachihilleuSkillful One on Skates2021
JeffreyMeyerWulalowe Kichkinet AptonaganFox that Guides the Chapter2021
MichaelMiglioreMehokquiman Nutiken Tindey SkattekPhoenix Who Keeps the Fire Burning2021
JustinYeagerGentgeen Witscheman WdeeDancer with a Helpful Heart2021
NancyYeagerGuka Nachgoman WitahemuiMother Who Answers Call to Service2021
JosephAndreoLilchpin WulaptonaelchukquonkOne Who Advocates for the Cause2020
Alexis PierceNeunteufelGentgeen Macheli TschitanissowaoanDancer of Many Talents2020
John PeterQueenanSakima Gischihan WulatenamoaganChief who Crafts Cheerfulness2020
JohnValus, JrGischenaxin Nuwingi NimatReady and Willing Brother2020
DavidBarrettAchgeketum Guwin WnachkwimTrainer who Sleeps with the Acorns2019
RobertLynch, IIPethakwonn WikheuThunder Builder2019
AndrewStufanoMetimmeu Achewon WdeeWolf with a Strong Heart2019
JacobSturrockGischachtek Wikwam MachtapanLight House through the Storm2019
JeffreySturrockKschachan Kitchkinet AmocholWind that Guides the Boat2019
MatthewSunNimat Langundowi AchewonBrother of Peaceful Strength2019
TylerZarsPethakwonn Awe’hellea TakachsinThunderbird Leader2019
ChristopherCheslogNimat GochpiwiBrother of the Waters2018
PatrickDevineKomelendam Wtschitschank KichkinetFree Spirited Guide2018
BrendanDevineTschitgussin WitschindinSilent Helper2018
JulianDriebeekSakima ElangomatChief Friend2018
KirkEngstromWewoatam Sisi’lijaWise Buffalo2018
StephenGagneGilkissin TakachsinLaughing Leader2018
JohnathanGeorgeWewoapisak AptonaganGuard of the Chapter2018
MarkKromSabbeleu AschtetehasikBright Inspiration2018
ConnorLynchTakachsin ElangomatLeader of Friends2018
AnthonyPreissKlamachpin AllogaganQuiet Servant2018
PatrickGarberNachpauchsin NachpikinOne Who Enjoys Nature2017
MichaelGrecoNimat Wewoapisak MbiBrother Who Guards the Water2017
JeanneLewisWingolauchsik WulhallanCheerful One Who Cares For Others2017
AndrewPreissKlamachpin Dachiquoagan MemhallamundQuiet Patch Trader2017
EdwardWolf Sr.Sapiwagan MetimmeuLightning Wolf2017
KennethWrightGuneu Miechheken AllogaganLong Haired Servant2017
WilliamAmidon, IIIMajauchsowagan WewikitMaster of the Union Camp2016
MarkDackowWischixin Pommissin NiganiNimble One Who Walks Ahead2016
WilliamFerence, JrWisawek Kschihillen AmocholFast Yellow Canoe2016
JoyceFerenceWingolauchsik WaselanduCheerful Sunshine2016
SamuelFixNendawen TindeuchenFiery Torch Bearer2016
SamuelGuerraAlluns Utsche ClamhattenmoaganSteadily Flying Arrow2016
AlexanderHowlandPetasummawan WimachtendienkBeacon of Brotherhood2016
RaymondPflommWehikhes Maike KikahtinkeCarpenter Who Camps Year Round2016
AnthonySlateEesgans GischuchwipallWeaver of Sunlight2016
GregoryZapNutiken Machtagen TindeyRanger Who Fights Fires2016
JosephDePaolaLangundowi Gentgeen AllogaganPeaceful Dancing Servant2015
KevinGarberNosawoapanem Allanque Guhn LowaneuSteadfast Polestar from the Snowy North2015
CarolineGriffinGuka WemiMother to All2015
DanielMcCloskeyTakachsin Sabbeleu GischuchLeader who Shines Like the Sun2015
BrianRapilloAchpiquon Elangomat WdeeMusician with a Friendly Heart2015
ZacharyRillingElachtoniket PemapanikSeeker of the Skies2015
AndreaUleryOchqueu MbisisLady of the Lake2015
CharlesFlowersNechasin Nendawagan Waseleu TpokuVigilant Torch Lighting the Night2014
StephenRogalskiNag’atamen Kschilandeke NutemekisetReliable Summer Shepherd2014
JasonSaviskyWulachneu Gentgeen PemapuchkPeaceful Stream Dancing over Rocks2014
RobertSaymonSchachachgameu Allohak AptonaganPillar that Supports a Chapter2014
DanielWivaggWoapalanne Utsche AllanqueEagle Who Flies with the Stars2014
JamesDePaolaWulamallessin Nihillasohen AchpoanHappy One Who Delivers Bread2013
MichaelKennedyMechmauwikenk Gischihan WikathoosVenturer Who Creates from the Oven2013
LauraO’BrienNochnutemaliuwet EhachquinkKeeper of Clothing2013
MorganMcMahonElangomat MissochwenFriendly One Who Walks About2013
MartinSchorrTindey Lehellechen KikenFire Breather Who Mends in Health2013
JasonVan LeeuwenNochnutemaliuwet PethakwonnKeeper of Thunder2013
DavidBoyajianWoatawes Wunipak NutikenLaurel Leaf Ranger2012
Neil PatrickHarrisWuskelenape Kikehuwet TakachsinYoung Medicine Man Who Leads2012
BrianLandiMawewigawan NetopalisLodge Warrior2012
SeanNultyWewoapisak WeuchsowaganGuardian of Knowledge2012
JesseMorrowSapiwagan GentgeenLightning Dancer2012
RichardRussoAlhakquot PohonasinStorm Drummer2012
NicholasWolfMetimmeu Meechgalanne DachiquoaganWolf Who Hawks Patches2012
ErikZarsNochnutemaliuwet MechinkhakihakanKeeper of the Big Fields2012
StephenDe Los SantosElangomat PemapuchkFriendly Rock2011
DanielGallupGentgeen GochpiwiDancer From the Water2011
LloydGallupPapesu WitschindinPatient Helper2011
EricLarsonWiechenin GanschewenCooker of Music2011
JacobRamosKshilandeke ChauwalanneSummer Eagle2011
JohnBowlusKschihillen AchpateunySwift East Wind2010
ChristopherCarusoNag’atamen GegekhuntschikTrusted One Who Was Elected2010
DavidElkodsiWewoatam MuschgingusWise Rabbit2010
WilliamFerence, IIIAmangi Machkeu TetuptschehellakBig Red Wagon2010
CarolynJagielskiGenachgihan GukaCaring Mother2010
MichaelKrausMachque GanschewenBear Who Makes Great Noise2010
RyanKrausGischelendam MachqueMeditating Bear2010
AndrewMcCloskeyAchewon EpigachinkStrong Foundation2010
ShaneO’BrienMachelemuxit GentgeenHonored Dancer2010
SamuelRalbovskyGuneu Miechheken GentgeenShaggy Dancer2010
MatthewBallsAllouchsit WapaleechenThe Mighty and Powerful Balls2009
MathewBuonoKitschii PapachesAwesome Woodpecker2009
BrianComptonGunalachgat GunelendamDeep Thinker2009
WilliamHall, JrMechmauwikenk NetopalisCamp Warrior2009
AlexanderJagielskiGentgeen Wapsu AnicusDancing White Chipmunk2009
TimothyMcCloskeyWulistammoewagan WachejeuFaithful Light2009
DanielMillerGetanittowit PethakwonnGreat Creator of Thunder2009
H. ElliottNethertonElgixin WipunquoakWorthy Oak2009
MatthewWilliamsGentgeen AndhanniDancing Bullfrog2009
ScottBackerTatchen Mechakgilik GischelemanLittle Big Dreamer2008
MatthewBanasLachpihhilleu PischkSwift Night Hawk2008
FranklinButler, IVMikemossit ElgigunkhakiLaborer as Big as the World2008
RobertCairnsTekene Machkeu GegochbisikWoodsman with Red Suspenders2008
MichaelGagneMantowagan Gock LennoMagical Money Man2008
AlfredHalliwellSapiwagan Machkeu GegochbisikLightning Man with Red Suspenders2008
ChristopherMcCloskeyTakachsin GanschelalogenLeader Who Does Great Wonders2008
ColinO’BrienLangundowi SipoPeaceful River2008
GeorgeSilverTuney Wipunxit AllogaganBearded Silver Server2008
FranklinButler, IIIAllogagan WulihanServant Who Does Good for Others2007
StevenElzholzSchiwa’pew Wipit NihillatamenBlue Tooth Master2007
ChristynGagneNochnutemaliuwet LilenowaganKeeper of Rules2007
ChristopherGuarniereAllouchsit Tpoquik PemsitMighty Moon Walker2007
DouglasHeimGettemagelensit MikemossitHumble Laborer2007
DanielPeckMechinquinaquotIt Appears Large It Looks Great2007
ZachariahSilverWulakenimgussin Wipunxit AllogaganSpecial Silver Server2007
AndrewVillWulistammoewagan ElogamgussitFaithful Messenger2007
ChadCardilloKlamachpin LilchpinQuiet Dilligent One2006
DavidChick, JrWewingtonheet TipatitTalking Little Chick2006
ThomasMaxwellMenen Wtenk PankpechenHe Who Drinks the Last Drop2006
SeanMurphyHattape GentgeenBow Dancer2006
RussellOlsonAuchsu Nenajunges GentgeenWild Horse Dancer2006
ScottRalbovskyMikemossit Wulinemen TindeyLaborer Who Sees the Fire2006
ChristopherCahillAchgumhok Gentgeen PeptukquekhikenkCloud Dancer With Circles2005
DanielCahillWetochwink Gentgeen WetchwinkFather Dancer Who Helps Others2005
DavidChick, Sr.Jun TipatitHere a Chick2005
JohnChickAwossi TipatitThere a Chick2005
NicolasCloutierTakachsin Lenno GagunLeader – Man in Leggings2005
CharlesJohnsonWingolauchsik Ahas SachgaguntinCheerful Crow Who Leads Others2005
RaymondMonceviciusAchgegingen AwelemukuneesOne Who Teaches the Young Buck2005
RyanMurphyWulatenamen MawachpoHappy Collector2005
DrewSanseveroElangomat Schachihilleu MbiFriend Who Slides on Water2005
StephenSchwink, Jr.Klamachpin GokhosQuiet Owl2005
StephenSchwink, Sr.Wunita WitahentiAble One Who Helps Others2005
BlaineBoxwellGettemagelensi MechmauwikenkHumble Venturer2004
MarkCliftonNutiken AchtuRanger of Deer2004
DanielFaganAllemiminschik GentgeenSarsaparilla Dancer2004
EvanFusaroKigischgotum GentgeenGreen Grasshopper Dancer2004
ThomasNaples, Jr.Qualcheu ManachewaganSmoking Cutter of Wood2004
RonaldPhillipsTuneu WiecheninBearded Chef2004
KevinSylvesterAllowat Schingaluet Tangitti BloeuMight Enemy of Small Bird2004
TylerWhiteGawuschuwitschik GentgeenGooseberry Dancer2004
JohnWilliamsAllohak NimatDedicated Brother2004
EdwardWolf, Jr.Wulakenimgussin MetimmeuSpecial Wolf2004
MichaelAbrahamsonWikheu LennoBuilder of Men2003
MarkCarpenter Jr.Wulamallessin PohonasinHappy Drum Beater2003
MarkCarpenter Sr.Lenno ManittowihakMan of Steel2003
JeremyMeuriceNihillasowagan NetopalisLiberty Warrior2003
AndrewSimonKschiechen GentgenClean Dancer2003
GordonBeachMissochwen MawachpoTraveling Collector2002
DanielCrusonElgixin WajauweWorthy Chapter Chief2002
BrianGolrickNimat Wulamallessin WuschginkBrother with a Happy Face2002
MichaelKatonaAllouchsit AjapeuMighty Buck2002
ThomasNaples, Sr.Klamachpin MechmauwikenkQuiet Venturer2002
BrendanWilsonMachelemuxit Lennigawan NimatHonored Lodge Brother2002
RobertAnstettTauwiquoakan GintschglenninKey Pusher2001
MichaelDiMeglioElangomat TindeyFriendly Fire2001
RobertEmersonKichkinet Tatchen NetopalisGuiding Little Warrior2001
MichaelGolrickNochnutemaliuwet BambilKeeper of Books2001
FrankKatonaAchgegingewagan KtemaqueTeaching Beaver2001
DamienBecroftAnsiptikan WaselenikanBinding Light2000
RoseBoehmWunita WitschindinAble Helper2000
RitaBurkeSalamoagan KschachanHowling Wind2000
MichaelCardNajundam Tgauchsu PallalogasowaganCarrier of Good Deeds2000
MarkClarkAllouchsit SachgachtoonMighty Cook2000
WilliamCummingsTschitqui MachtapanSilent Storm2000
RobertKravecs, IIIHaschi Skattewi NendawaganEver Burning Torch2000
WilliamWhiteNimat MochgamenBrother Finder2000
RichardAlesevichTachan AchgeketumWood Teacher1999
StevenBlackman, Sr.Allohak Miltin TachpawewagenPowerful One Who Gives Advice1999
JaneDoughertyGuka GentgeenMother Dancer1999
ThomasGordonGokhos GentgeenOwl Dancer1999
BrianHarwoodAllogagan NimatHe Who Serves His Brother1999
GarlandJacksonTgauchsin Netami SakimaFriendly First Chief1999
MatthewJaraczMemhallamund MissochwenTrader Who Travels About1999
RobertKravecs, Jr.Mawachpo Kschiechek WipitCollector with a Clean Tooth1999
DavidLewisKlamachpin SisilijaQuiet Buffalo1999
MichaelMcCannWewingtonheet Allohak HattapeTalker with a Strong Bow1999
PatriciaMorrisAnatschihuwewagan MemsochetCautious Traveller1999
RogerPoggioClamhattenmoagen MbiSteady Water1999
WalterValenzisiGischitehanDetermined One1999

Founder’s Award

The Founder’s Award recognizes those Arrowmen who have given outstanding service to the Lodge. The award is reserved for an Arrowman who demonstrates to his fellow Arrowmen that he memorializes in his everyday life the sprit of achievement as described by founder E. Urner Goodman. It was established to reinforce the values first instilled by the founders in the early days of the Order. From its inception, The Founder’s Award has been highly restricted and bestowed only upon those individuals who best exemplify the vision and quest of the founders.

First NameLast NameYear
RobertLynch, II2019
JasonVan Leeuwen2014
WilliamFerence, III2012
Neil PatrickHarris2012
B. WadeAnderson2011
EdwardWolf, Jr2005
RobertKravecs, Jr2003
RobertKravecs, III2002

James E. West Fellowship

James E. West was appointed to the position of Chief Scout Executive in 1910 by the founding leadership of Scouting in America. West worked with Sir Robert Baden-Powell, Daniel Carter Beard, Ernest T. Seton, and many interested community leaders to give direction to the infant program of Boy Scouts of America.

 The James E. West Fellowship Award is a recognition presented to individuals who contribute $1,000 or more to the council endowment fund. Lodges may contribute an award in honor of a member who has made a lasting impact on the lodge. There can be no finer honor paid to a Scouter than to be named a James E. West Fellow, indicating that the nominee is in the same spirit and dedication to Scouting as was James E. West.


First NameLast NameYear
JasonVan Leeuwen2015
Neil PatrickHarris2014
DavidChick, Sr.2007
EdwardWolf, Jr.2004
* In Memorium

Ralph Deer Memorial Service Award

The Ralph Deer Memorial Service Award was established in 2011 in honor of past Lodge Adviser Ralph Deer to recognize Lodge Brothers whose service to Owaneco Lodge honors his memory.  ‘Uncle Ralph’ was an outstanding and dedicated member of his community, a lifetime member of the Boy Scouts of America and a beloved member of the Order of the Arrow. He was without a doubt a man who lived everyday according to the Scout Oath and Law. Uncle Ralph, a Vigil Honor member and Quartermaster Award recipient, led by example and by his outstanding character.  This award is presented to youth or adults who, through actions and words, serve as an example of the great qualities we admired in Uncle Ralph Deer.

First NameLast NameYear
MichaelMorrell 2018
‘Uncle’ ChuckFiglar2011
Neil PatrickHarris2011
NickRazzia 2011

Distinguished Service Award

The Distinguished Service Award was created in 1940 to honor those who rendered service to the Order beyond the lodge level. The award is presented to those Arrowmen who have rendered distinguished and outstanding service to the Order on a sectional, regional, or national basis. The award is presented during the National Order of the Arrow Conference.

First NameLast NameYearLodge
MichaelCard2012Owaneco Lodge
WilliamChin2012Owaneco Lodge
PatrickSullivan1996Tankiteke Lodge
SeanOldroyd1994Tankiteke Lodge
VincentDunn, Jr1969Ponus Lodge

Centurion Award

Our organization’s centennial provided a unique opportunity to commemorate those among us who are examples of the “high ideals and purpose of the Order of the Arrow.” The Centurion Award highlights the “Hometown Heroes,” or Arrowmen who have meaningfully contributed to the forming, maturing and ongoing operational excellence of their local council’s lodge, and who, in doing so, inspired others to follow in their footsteps.

This award is a one-time recognition associated with the centennial anniversary of the OA that is bestowed by the national Order of the Arrow committee. It is modeled after a similar program in the BSA’s 100th anniversary celebration, the 2010 National Hall of Leadership. Accordingly, this recognition is an opportunity to highlight lodge development over the last century and the many individuals, both youth and adult, who were instrumental to this success. These honorees serve as examples of leadership, modeling to others a commitment to cheerful service as the Order of the Arrow entered its second century.

Each nominee must be designated as either a youth or adult contributor. A youth contributor denotes that the nominee’s service period occurred while they were under 21 years of age. An adult contributor denotes that the nominee’s service period occurred while he or she was over 21 years of age. An adult contributor can be recognized for his or her service as a professional or volunteer. The minimum service period is 3 years for a youth contributor and 6 years for an adult contributor.

Michael R. Card

Recognized for Youth Service

Lodges: Tankiteke, Owaneco


An integral member during the merger, Michael also created the lodge’s Ordeal manual, our printed newsletter, and our website, as well as making important contributions to membership data management.


William B. Chin

Recognized for Youth Service

Lodges: Tankiteke, Owaneco


Bill was a ceremonialist in Tankiteke lodge and also a lodge chief in the years before the merger and has made important contributions to the ultimate success of Owaneco Lodge.


Ralph J. Deer

Recognized for Adult Service

Lodges: Chief Pomperaug, Tankiteke, Owaneco


The late Ralph Deer was an inspiration to all, youth and adult, as he exemplified brotherhood and cheerful service by diligently working in many capacities and helping institute the OA Day program at summer camp.


John “Chris” Fagan

Recognized for Adult Service

Lodges: Arcoon, Owaneco


Chris was a founding member and the current adviser for the Quinnipiac Dancers, Owaneco’s award-winning dance team which has earned respect and accolades thanks to Chris’s service.


Charles A. Figlar, Sr.

Recognized for Adult Service

Lodges: Tankiteke, Owaneco


“Uncle Chuck” is the epitome of cheerful service; he is a deeply respected servant leader in our lodge, where he reliably does the tasks that no one chooses.


Neil P. Harris

Recognized for Youth Service

Lodges: Owaneco


Neil has been an inspiring figure to many during his lengthy tenure as a lodge officer and has consistently made it his purpose to reinvigorate the youth leadership of the lodge throughout his years of service.


Robert A. Kravecs, III

Recognized for Youth Service

Lodges: Owaneco


As a two-term lodge chief, Rob brought brothers in Owaneco closer after the merger; he also instituted the OA Day program at summer camp, as well as the Winter Banquet’s silent auction, which funds the James E. West fellowship award.


Christopher J. McCloskey

Recognized for Youth Service

Lodges: Owaneco


Chris recruited a record setting 32 members to be part of Owaneco’s ArrowCorp5 contingent, and this is just a shadow of the greater lasting impact he left on membership in Owaneco.


Patrick L. Sullivan

Recognized for Youth Service

Lodges: Tankiteke


Pat is one of the leaders who is responsible for the excellence of Owaneco’s ceremonies today; he led his team to careful study and memorization, as well as improved costume awareness of cultur