Owaneco Lodge annually bestows several honors and awards upon deserving members of the Order.
Vigil Honor
The Vigil Honor is a high mark of distinction and recognition reserved for those Arrowmen who, by reason of exceptional service, personal effort, and unselfish interest, have made distinguished contributions beyond the immediate responsibilities of their position or office to one or more of the following: their Lodge, the Order of the Arrow, Scouting, or their Scout Camp.
The Vigil Honor is the highest honor that the Order of the Arrow can bestow upon its members for service to lodge, council, and Scouting. It dates from the year 1915, when founder E. Urner Goodman became the first Vigil Honor Member. Since then, thousands of members have been given this honor.
Name | Lenni Lenape Name | English Translation | Class Year | |
Connor | Carlson | Wingolauchsik Gischihan Utsche | Cheerful Crafter who Soars | 2024 |
Julia | Clough | Ngemewi Sakima Ndoniken Nemoagan | Steady Chief Seeks a Higher Vision | 2024 |
Joseph | Ushchak | Wingolausik Kiken Nemen Ganschewen | Cheerful Healer who Sees the Music | 2024 |
Tyler | Rapillo | Kikehuwet Wikhetschik Nageuchsin | Medicine Man Who Builds Hope | 2024 |
Benjamin | Rickel | Machkeu Nenajungeshammen Nutiken | Red Riding Ranger | 2024 |
Jennifer | Below | Allowat Kiken Nanatschitaquik | Mighty Healer of Tenderness | 2023 |
Christian | Bjork | Langundowi Nosawoapamen Allogagan | Harmonious Steadfast Servant | 2023 |
Marshall | Morse | Skattek Gischitelien Lachxowilenno | Fiery and Determined Captian | 2023 |
Merlyn | Neunteufel | Milit Nendawagan Wewoatamoewapn | One who Passes the Torch of Wisdom | 2023 |
Niels | Thomsen | Wewoapisak Woatawes Schajahikan | Defender of the Laurel Shores | 2023 |
Zachary | Chittenden | Litchewagan Lekhiket Kschamehhalla | Thoughtful Writer who Runs Fast | 2022 |
Sami | El-Abid | Wdelinamen Gishiton Achigiguwen | Imaginative Planner of Games | 2022 |
Edward | Gratrix | Temakwe Sakima Ehatehikes | Beaver Chief who Puts Out Fires | 2022 |
Joseph | Harrington | Nimat Langundowi Achewon | Brother of Peace and Strength | 2022 |
Joseph | Loffredo | Pethakwonn Glakeledam Elangomat | Thunderous and Energetic Friend | 2022 |
John | Valus, Sr | Achgeketum Wiechenin Wulamallessin | Teaching Chef with Big Smile | 2022 |
Peter | Hinkle | Wikhetschik Wimachtendienk | Builder of Brotherhood | 2021 |
William | Hinkle | Achewiecheu Allogagan | Energetic Servant | 2021 |
Michael | Lano | Alappiechsin Takachsin Sapiwagan | Fast Talker Who Commands Lightning | 2021 |
Jordan | Meyer | Wowoatam Schachihilleu | Skillful One on Skates | 2021 |
Jeffrey | Meyer | Wulalowe Kichkinet Aptonagan | Fox that Guides the Chapter | 2021 |
Michael | Migliore | Mehokquiman Nutiken Tindey Skattek | Phoenix Who Keeps the Fire Burning | 2021 |
Justin | Yeager | Gentgeen Witscheman Wdee | Dancer with a Helpful Heart | 2021 |
Nancy | Yeager | Guka Nachgoman Witahemui | Mother Who Answers Call to Service | 2021 |
Joseph | Andreo | Lilchpin Wulaptonaelchukquonk | One Who Advocates for the Cause | 2020 |
Alexis Pierce | Neunteufel | Gentgeen Macheli Tschitanissowaoan | Dancer of Many Talents | 2020 |
John Peter | Queenan | Sakima Gischihan Wulatenamoagan | Chief who Crafts Cheerfulness | 2020 |
John | Valus, Jr | Gischenaxin Nuwingi Nimat | Ready and Willing Brother | 2020 |
David | Barrett | Achgeketum Guwin Wnachkwim | Trainer who Sleeps with the Acorns | 2019 |
Robert | Lynch, II | Pethakwonn Wikheu | Thunder Builder | 2019 |
Andrew | Stufano | Metimmeu Achewon Wdee | Wolf with a Strong Heart | 2019 |
Jacob | Sturrock | Gischachtek Wikwam Machtapan | Light House through the Storm | 2019 |
Jeffrey | Sturrock | Kschachan Kitchkinet Amochol | Wind that Guides the Boat | 2019 |
Matthew | Sun | Nimat Langundowi Achewon | Brother of Peaceful Strength | 2019 |
Tyler | Zars | Pethakwonn Awe’hellea Takachsin | Thunderbird Leader | 2019 |
Christopher | Cheslog | Nimat Gochpiwi | Brother of the Waters | 2018 |
Patrick | Devine | Komelendam Wtschitschank Kichkinet | Free Spirited Guide | 2018 |
Brendan | Devine | Tschitgussin Witschindin | Silent Helper | 2018 |
Julian | Driebeek | Sakima Elangomat | Chief Friend | 2018 |
Kirk | Engstrom | Wewoatam Sisi’lija | Wise Buffalo | 2018 |
Stephen | Gagne | Gilkissin Takachsin | Laughing Leader | 2018 |
Johnathan | George | Wewoapisak Aptonagan | Guard of the Chapter | 2018 |
Mark | Krom | Sabbeleu Aschtetehasik | Bright Inspiration | 2018 |
Connor | Lynch | Takachsin Elangomat | Leader of Friends | 2018 |
Anthony | Preiss | Klamachpin Allogagan | Quiet Servant | 2018 |
Patrick | Garber | Nachpauchsin Nachpikin | One Who Enjoys Nature | 2017 |
Michael | Greco | Nimat Wewoapisak Mbi | Brother Who Guards the Water | 2017 |
Jeanne | Lewis | Wingolauchsik Wulhallan | Cheerful One Who Cares For Others | 2017 |
Andrew | Preiss | Klamachpin Dachiquoagan Memhallamund | Quiet Patch Trader | 2017 |
Edward | Wolf Sr. | Sapiwagan Metimmeu | Lightning Wolf | 2017 |
Kenneth | Wright | Guneu Miechheken Allogagan | Long Haired Servant | 2017 |
William | Amidon, III | Majauchsowagan Wewikit | Master of the Union Camp | 2016 |
Mark | Dackow | Wischixin Pommissin Nigani | Nimble One Who Walks Ahead | 2016 |
William | Ference, Jr | Wisawek Kschihillen Amochol | Fast Yellow Canoe | 2016 |
Joyce | Ference | Wingolauchsik Waselandu | Cheerful Sunshine | 2016 |
Samuel | Fix | Nendawen Tindeuchen | Fiery Torch Bearer | 2016 |
Samuel | Guerra | Alluns Utsche Clamhattenmoagan | Steadily Flying Arrow | 2016 |
Alexander | Howland | Petasummawan Wimachtendienk | Beacon of Brotherhood | 2016 |
Raymond | Pflomm | Wehikhes Maike Kikahtinke | Carpenter Who Camps Year Round | 2016 |
Anthony | Slate | Eesgans Gischuchwipall | Weaver of Sunlight | 2016 |
Gregory | Zap | Nutiken Machtagen Tindey | Ranger Who Fights Fires | 2016 |
Joseph | DePaola | Langundowi Gentgeen Allogagan | Peaceful Dancing Servant | 2015 |
Kevin | Garber | Nosawoapanem Allanque Guhn Lowaneu | Steadfast Polestar from the Snowy North | 2015 |
Caroline | Griffin | Guka Wemi | Mother to All | 2015 |
Daniel | McCloskey | Takachsin Sabbeleu Gischuch | Leader who Shines Like the Sun | 2015 |
Brian | Rapillo | Achpiquon Elangomat Wdee | Musician with a Friendly Heart | 2015 |
Zachary | Rilling | Elachtoniket Pemapanik | Seeker of the Skies | 2015 |
Andrea | Ulery | Ochqueu Mbisis | Lady of the Lake | 2015 |
Charles | Flowers | Nechasin Nendawagan Waseleu Tpoku | Vigilant Torch Lighting the Night | 2014 |
Stephen | Rogalski | Nag’atamen Kschilandeke Nutemekiset | Reliable Summer Shepherd | 2014 |
Jason | Savisky | Wulachneu Gentgeen Pemapuchk | Peaceful Stream Dancing over Rocks | 2014 |
Robert | Saymon | Schachachgameu Allohak Aptonagan | Pillar that Supports a Chapter | 2014 |
Daniel | Wivagg | Woapalanne Utsche Allanque | Eagle Who Flies with the Stars | 2014 |
Robert | Brown | Lekhiket | Writer | 2013 |
James | DePaola | Wulamallessin Nihillasohen Achpoan | Happy One Who Delivers Bread | 2013 |
Michael | Kennedy | Mechmauwikenk Gischihan Wikathoos | Venturer Who Creates from the Oven | 2013 |
Laura | O’Brien | Nochnutemaliuwet Ehachquink | Keeper of Clothing | 2013 |
Morgan | McMahon | Elangomat Missochwen | Friendly One Who Walks About | 2013 |
Nicholas | Razzaia | Machtschipak | Boots | 2013 |
Martin | Schorr | Tindey Lehellechen Kiken | Fire Breather Who Mends in Health | 2013 |
Jason | Van Leeuwen | Nochnutemaliuwet Pethakwonn | Keeper of Thunder | 2013 |
David | Boyajian | Woatawes Wunipak Nutiken | Laurel Leaf Ranger | 2012 |
Neil Patrick | Harris | Wuskelenape Kikehuwet Takachsin | Young Medicine Man Who Leads | 2012 |
Brian | Landi | Mawewigawan Netopalis | Lodge Warrior | 2012 |
Sean | Nulty | Wewoapisak Weuchsowagan | Guardian of Knowledge | 2012 |
Jesse | Morrow | Sapiwagan Gentgeen | Lightning Dancer | 2012 |
Richard | Russo | Alhakquot Pohonasin | Storm Drummer | 2012 |
Nicholas | Wolf | Metimmeu Meechgalanne Dachiquoagan | Wolf Who Hawks Patches | 2012 |
Erik | Zars | Nochnutemaliuwet Mechinkhakihakan | Keeper of the Big Fields | 2012 |
Stephen | De Los Santos | Elangomat Pemapuchk | Friendly Rock | 2011 |
Daniel | Gallup | Gentgeen Gochpiwi | Dancer From the Water | 2011 |
Lloyd | Gallup | Papesu Witschindin | Patient Helper | 2011 |
Eric | Larson | Wiechenin Ganschewen | Cooker of Music | 2011 |
Jacob | Ramos | Kshilandeke Chauwalanne | Summer Eagle | 2011 |
John | Bowlus | Kschihillen Achpateuny | Swift East Wind | 2010 |
Christopher | Caruso | Nag’atamen Gegekhuntschik | Trusted One Who Was Elected | 2010 |
David | Elkodsi | Wewoatam Muschgingus | Wise Rabbit | 2010 |
William | Ference, III | Amangi Machkeu Tetuptschehellak | Big Red Wagon | 2010 |
Carolyn | Jagielski | Genachgihan Guka | Caring Mother | 2010 |
Michael | Kraus | Machque Ganschewen | Bear Who Makes Great Noise | 2010 |
Ryan | Kraus | Gischelendam Machque | Meditating Bear | 2010 |
Andrew | McCloskey | Achewon Epigachink | Strong Foundation | 2010 |
Shane | O’Brien | Machelemuxit Gentgeen | Honored Dancer | 2010 |
Samuel | Ralbovsky | Guneu Miechheken Gentgeen | Shaggy Dancer | 2010 |
Matthew | Balls | Allouchsit Wapaleechen | The Mighty and Powerful Balls | 2009 |
Mathew | Buono | Kitschii Papaches | Awesome Woodpecker | 2009 |
Brian | Compton | Gunalachgat Gunelendam | Deep Thinker | 2009 |
William | Hall, Jr | Mechmauwikenk Netopalis | Camp Warrior | 2009 |
Alexander | Jagielski | Gentgeen Wapsu Anicus | Dancing White Chipmunk | 2009 |
Timothy | McCloskey | Wulistammoewagan Wachejeu | Faithful Light | 2009 |
Daniel | Miller | Getanittowit Pethakwonn | Great Creator of Thunder | 2009 |
H. Elliott | Netherton | Elgixin Wipunquoak | Worthy Oak | 2009 |
Matthew | Williams | Gentgeen Andhanni | Dancing Bullfrog | 2009 |
Scott | Backer | Tatchen Mechakgilik Gischeleman | Little Big Dreamer | 2008 |
Matthew | Banas | Lachpihhilleu Pischk | Swift Night Hawk | 2008 |
Franklin | Butler, IV | Mikemossit Elgigunkhaki | Laborer as Big as the World | 2008 |
Robert | Cairns | Tekene Machkeu Gegochbisik | Woodsman with Red Suspenders | 2008 |
Michael | Gagne | Mantowagan Gock Lenno | Magical Money Man | 2008 |
Alfred | Halliwell | Sapiwagan Machkeu Gegochbisik | Lightning Man with Red Suspenders | 2008 |
Christopher | McCloskey | Takachsin Ganschelalogen | Leader Who Does Great Wonders | 2008 |
Colin | O’Brien | Langundowi Sipo | Peaceful River | 2008 |
George | Silver | Tuney Wipunxit Allogagan | Bearded Silver Server | 2008 |
Franklin | Butler, III | Allogagan Wulihan | Servant Who Does Good for Others | 2007 |
Steven | Elzholz | Schiwa’pew Wipit Nihillatamen | Blue Tooth Master | 2007 |
Christyn | Gagne | Nochnutemaliuwet Lilenowagan | Keeper of Rules | 2007 |
Christopher | Guarniere | Allouchsit Tpoquik Pemsit | Mighty Moon Walker | 2007 |
Douglas | Heim | Gettemagelensit Mikemossit | Humble Laborer | 2007 |
Daniel | Peck | Mechinquinaquot | It Appears Large It Looks Great | 2007 |
Zachariah | Silver | Wulakenimgussin Wipunxit Allogagan | Special Silver Server | 2007 |
Andrew | Vill | Wulistammoewagan Elogamgussit | Faithful Messenger | 2007 |
Chad | Cardillo | Klamachpin Lilchpin | Quiet Dilligent One | 2006 |
David | Chick, Jr | Wewingtonheet Tipatit | Talking Little Chick | 2006 |
Thomas | Early | Haniqus | Squirrel | 2006 |
Thomas | Maxwell | Menen Wtenk Pankpechen | He Who Drinks the Last Drop | 2006 |
Sean | Murphy | Hattape Gentgeen | Bow Dancer | 2006 |
Russell | Olson | Auchsu Nenajunges Gentgeen | Wild Horse Dancer | 2006 |
Scott | Ralbovsky | Mikemossit Wulinemen Tindey | Laborer Who Sees the Fire | 2006 |
Christopher | Cahill | Achgumhok Gentgeen Peptukquekhikenk | Cloud Dancer With Circles | 2005 |
Daniel | Cahill | Wetochwink Gentgeen Wetchwink | Father Dancer Who Helps Others | 2005 |
David | Chick, Sr. | Jun Tipatit | Here a Chick | 2005 |
John | Chick | Awossi Tipatit | There a Chick | 2005 |
Nicolas | Cloutier | Takachsin Lenno Gagun | Leader – Man in Leggings | 2005 |
Charles | Johnson | Wingolauchsik Ahas Sachgaguntin | Cheerful Crow Who Leads Others | 2005 |
Raymond | Moncevicius | Achgegingen Awelemukunees | One Who Teaches the Young Buck | 2005 |
Ryan | Murphy | Wulatenamen Mawachpo | Happy Collector | 2005 |
Drew | Sansevero | Elangomat Schachihilleu Mbi | Friend Who Slides on Water | 2005 |
Stephen | Schwink, Jr. | Klamachpin Gokhos | Quiet Owl | 2005 |
Stephen | Schwink, Sr. | Wunita Witahenti | Able One Who Helps Others | 2005 |
Blaine | Boxwell | Gettemagelensi Mechmauwikenk | Humble Venturer | 2004 |
Mark | Clifton | Nutiken Achtu | Ranger of Deer | 2004 |
Daniel | Fagan | Allemiminschik Gentgeen | Sarsaparilla Dancer | 2004 |
Evan | Fusaro | Kigischgotum Gentgeen | Green Grasshopper Dancer | 2004 |
Thomas | Naples, Jr. | Qualcheu Manachewagan | Smoking Cutter of Wood | 2004 |
Ronald | Phillips | Tuneu Wiechenin | Bearded Chef | 2004 |
Kevin | Sylvester | Allowat Schingaluet Tangitti Bloeu | Might Enemy of Small Bird | 2004 |
Tyler | White | Gawuschuwitschik Gentgeen | Gooseberry Dancer | 2004 |
John | Williams | Allohak Nimat | Dedicated Brother | 2004 |
Edward | Wolf, Jr. | Wulakenimgussin Metimmeu | Special Wolf | 2004 |
Michael | Abrahamson | Wikheu Lenno | Builder of Men | 2003 |
Mark | Carpenter Jr. | Wulamallessin Pohonasin | Happy Drum Beater | 2003 |
Mark | Carpenter Sr. | Lenno Manittowihak | Man of Steel | 2003 |
Jeremy | Meurice | Nihillasowagan Netopalis | Liberty Warrior | 2003 |
Andrew | Simon | Kschiechen Gentgen | Clean Dancer | 2003 |
Gordon | Beach | Missochwen Mawachpo | Traveling Collector | 2002 |
Daniel | Cruson | Elgixin Wajauwe | Worthy Chapter Chief | 2002 |
Brian | Golrick | Nimat Wulamallessin Wuschgink | Brother with a Happy Face | 2002 |
Michael | Katona | Allouchsit Ajapeu | Mighty Buck | 2002 |
Thomas | Naples, Sr. | Klamachpin Mechmauwikenk | Quiet Venturer | 2002 |
Brendan | Wilson | Machelemuxit Lennigawan Nimat | Honored Lodge Brother | 2002 |
Robert | Anstett | Tauwiquoakan Gintschglennin | Key Pusher | 2001 |
Michael | DiMeglio | Elangomat Tindey | Friendly Fire | 2001 |
Robert | Emerson | Kichkinet Tatchen Netopalis | Guiding Little Warrior | 2001 |
Michael | Golrick | Nochnutemaliuwet Bambil | Keeper of Books | 2001 |
Frank | Katona | Achgegingewagan Ktemaque | Teaching Beaver | 2001 |
Damien | Becroft | Ansiptikan Waselenikan | Binding Light | 2000 |
Rose | Boehm | Wunita Witschindin | Able Helper | 2000 |
Rita | Burke | Salamoagan Kschachan | Howling Wind | 2000 |
Michael | Card | Najundam Tgauchsu Pallalogasowagan | Carrier of Good Deeds | 2000 |
Mark | Clark | Allouchsit Sachgachtoon | Mighty Cook | 2000 |
William | Cummings | Tschitqui Machtapan | Silent Storm | 2000 |
Robert | Kravecs, III | Haschi Skattewi Nendawagan | Ever Burning Torch | 2000 |
William | White | Nimat Mochgamen | Brother Finder | 2000 |
Richard | Alesevich | Tachan Achgeketum | Wood Teacher | 1999 |
Steven | Blackman, Sr. | Allohak Miltin Tachpawewagen | Powerful One Who Gives Advice | 1999 |
Jane | Dougherty | Guka Gentgeen | Mother Dancer | 1999 |
Thomas | Gordon | Gokhos Gentgeen | Owl Dancer | 1999 |
Brian | Harwood | Allogagan Nimat | He Who Serves His Brother | 1999 |
Garland | Jackson | Tgauchsin Netami Sakima | Friendly First Chief | 1999 |
Matthew | Jaracz | Memhallamund Missochwen | Trader Who Travels About | 1999 |
Robert | Kravecs, Jr. | Mawachpo Kschiechek Wipit | Collector with a Clean Tooth | 1999 |
David | Lewis | Klamachpin Sisilija | Quiet Buffalo | 1999 |
Michael | McCann | Wewingtonheet Allohak Hattape | Talker with a Strong Bow | 1999 |
Patricia | Morris | Anatschihuwewagan Memsochet | Cautious Traveller | 1999 |
Roger | Poggio | Clamhattenmoagen Mbi | Steady Water | 1999 |
Walter | Valenzisi | Gischitehan | Determined One | 1999 |
Founder’s Award
The Founder’s Award recognizes those Arrowmen who have given outstanding service to the Lodge. The award is reserved for an Arrowman who demonstrates to his fellow Arrowmen that he memorializes in his everyday life the sprit of achievement as described by founder E. Urner Goodman. It was established to reinforce the values first instilled by the founders in the early days of the Order. From its inception, The Founder’s Award has been highly restricted and bestowed only upon those individuals who best exemplify the vision and quest of the founders.
First Name | Last Name | Year |
Justin | Yeager | 2024 |
Sam | Guerra | 2024 |
Peter | Hinkle | 2023 |
Michael | Kennedy | 2023 |
Will | Hinkle | 2022 |
Jeff | Meyer | 2022 |
Robert | Brown | 2021 |
Pierce | Neunteufel | 2021 |
Jonathan | Davis | 2020 |
Tyler | Zars | 2020 |
Robert | Lynch, II | 2019 |
Jake | Sturrock | 2019 |
J.C. | Cinelli | 2018 |
Kenny | Wright | 2018 |
Bruce | Bowlus | 2017 |
Anthony | Slate | 2017 |
Daniel | McCloskey | 2016 |
Roger | Poggio | 2016 |
Timothy | McCloskey | 2015 |
Dan | Wivagg | 2015 |
Lloyd | Gallup | 2014 |
Jason | Van Leeuwen | 2014 |
Carolyn | Jagielski | 2013 |
Sean | Nulty | 2013 |
William | Ference, III | 2012 |
Neil Patrick | Harris | 2012 |
Andrew | McCloskey | 2011 |
B. Wade | Anderson | 2011 |
Thomas | O’Brien | 2010 |
Christopher | McCloskey | 2009 |
Robert | Cloutier | 2008 |
Chuck | Figlar | 2007 |
Zachariah | Silver | 2007 |
Robert | Emerson | 2006 |
Ryan | Murphy | 2006 |
William | Chin | 2005 |
Edward | Wolf, Jr | 2005 |
Robert | Ansett | 2004 |
Kevin | Sylvester | 2004 |
Michael | Card | 2003 |
Robert | Kravecs, Jr | 2003 |
Ralph | Deer | 2002 |
Robert | Kravecs, III | 2002 |
James E. West Fellowship
James E. West was appointed to the position of Chief Scout Executive in 1910 by the founding leadership of Scouting in America. West worked with Sir Robert Baden-Powell, Daniel Carter Beard, Ernest T. Seton, and many interested community leaders to give direction to the infant program of Boy Scouts of America.
The James E. West Fellowship Award is a recognition presented to individuals who contribute $1,000 or more to the council endowment fund. Lodges may contribute an award in honor of a member who has made a lasting impact on the lodge. There can be no finer honor paid to a Scouter than to be named a James E. West Fellow, indicating that the nominee is in the same spirit and dedication to Scouting as was James E. West.
First Name | Last Name | Year |
Peter | Hinkle | 2024 |
Robert | Brown | 2024 |
Stephen | Gagne | 2021 |
Jeffrey | Sturrock | 2020 |
Roger | Williams | 2019 |
Carolyn | Jagielski | 2017 |
JC | Cinelli | 2016 |
Jason | Van Leeuwen | 2015 |
Erik | Zars | 2015 |
Wade | Anderson | 2014 |
Neil Patrick | Harris | 2014 |
William | Chin | 2013 |
Andrew | McCloskey | 2013 |
Chase | Kowalski* | 2012 |
Benjamin | Wheeler* | 2012 |
Nicolas | Cloutier | 2011 |
Nicholas | Wolf | 2011 |
Lloyd | Gallup | 2010 |
Mathew | Buono | 2009 |
Christopher | McCloskey | 2008 |
David | Chick, Sr. | 2007 |
David | Lewis | 2006 |
Christopher | Fagan | 2005 |
Edward | Wolf, Jr. | 2004 |
Brian | Golrick | 2003 |
Kevin | Sylvester | 2003 |
Michael | Card | 2002 |
Robert | Cloutier | 2002 |
* In Memorium |
Ralph Deer Memorial Service Award
The Ralph Deer Memorial Service Award was established in 2011 in honor of past Lodge Adviser Ralph Deer to recognize Lodge Brothers whose service to Owaneco Lodge honors his memory. ‘Uncle Ralph’ was an outstanding and dedicated member of his community, a lifetime member of the Boy Scouts of America and a beloved member of the Order of the Arrow. He was without a doubt a man who lived everyday according to the Scout Oath and Law. Uncle Ralph, a Vigil Honor member and Quartermaster Award recipient, led by example and by his outstanding character. This award is presented to youth or adults who, through actions and words, serve as an example of the great qualities we admired in Uncle Ralph Deer.
First Name | Last Name | Year |
Alex | Clough | 2024 |
Jordynn | McGuire | 2024 |
Parker | Walsh | 2024 |
Ryder | Greika | 2024 |
Lester | McGuire | 2023 |
Arjun | Patel | 2023 |
Jason | Thomas | 2023 |
Dellaney | Flowers | 2022 |
Maxwell | Gombos | 2022 |
Wade | Anderson | 2022 |
Nancy | Yeager | 2022 |
Zachary | Chittenden | 2021 |
Julia | Clough | 2021 |
Samuel | Guerra | 2021 |
Benjamin | Rickel | 2021 |
Sami | El-Abid | 2020 |
Joseph | Harrington | 2020 |
Joseph | Loffredo | 2020 |
Anthony | Szarpa | 2020 |
Michael | Gagne | 2019 |
Peter | Hinkle | 2019 |
Will | Hinkle | 2019 |
Justin | Yeager | 2019 |
Stephen | Gagne | 2018 |
Michael | Morrell | 2018 |
Carson | Tosta | 2018 |
Nick | Wolf | 2018 |
Patrick | Devine | 2017 |
Bryan | Niebanck | 2017 |
Jeffrey | Sturrock | 2017 |
Matthew | Sun | 2017 |
Michael | Card | 2016 |
Lloyd | Gallup | 2016 |
Johnathan | George | 2016 |
Jake | Sturrock | 2016 |
Chris | Cheslog | 2015 |
Jeanne | Lewis | 2015 |
Anthony | Slate | 2015 |
Kenny | Wright | 2015 |
Alex | Howland | 2014 |
John | Markowski | 2014 |
Roger | Poggio | 2014 |
Michael | Kennedy | 2013 |
Timothy | McCloskey | 2013 |
Stephen | Rogalski | 2013 |
Jason | Savisky | 2013 |
Robert | Brown | 2012 |
Carolyn | Jagielski | 2012 |
Morgan | McMahon | 2012 |
Michael | Kraus | 2012 |
‘Uncle’ Chuck | Figlar | 2011 |
Neil Patrick | Harris | 2011 |
Nick | Razzia | 2011 |
Distinguished Service Award
The Distinguished Service Award was created in 1940 to honor those who rendered service to the Order beyond the lodge level. The award is presented to those Arrowmen who have rendered distinguished and outstanding service to the Order on a sectional, regional, or national basis. The award is presented during the National Order of the Arrow Conference.
First Name | Last Name | Year | Lodge |
Michael | Card | 2012 | Owaneco Lodge |
William | Chin | 2012 | Owaneco Lodge |
Patrick | Sullivan | 1996 | Tankiteke Lodge |
Sean | Oldroyd | 1994 | Tankiteke Lodge |
Vincent | Dunn, Jr | 1969 | Ponus Lodge |
Centurion Award
Our organization’s centennial provided a unique opportunity to commemorate those among us who are examples of the “high ideals and purpose of the Order of the Arrow.” The Centurion Award highlights the “Hometown Heroes,” or Arrowmen who have meaningfully contributed to the forming, maturing and ongoing operational excellence of their local council’s lodge, and who, in doing so, inspired others to follow in their footsteps.
This award is a one-time recognition associated with the centennial anniversary of the OA that is bestowed by the national Order of the Arrow committee. It is modeled after a similar program in the BSA’s 100th anniversary celebration, the 2010 National Hall of Leadership. Accordingly, this recognition is an opportunity to highlight lodge development over the last century and the many individuals, both youth and adult, who were instrumental to this success. These honorees serve as examples of leadership, modeling to others a commitment to cheerful service as the Order of the Arrow entered its second century.
Each nominee must be designated as either a youth or adult contributor. A youth contributor denotes that the nominee’s service period occurred while they were under 21 years of age. An adult contributor denotes that the nominee’s service period occurred while he or she was over 21 years of age. An adult contributor can be recognized for his or her service as a professional or volunteer. The minimum service period is 3 years for a youth contributor and 6 years for an adult contributor.
Michael R. Card | |
Recognized for Youth Service Lodges: Tankiteke, Owaneco
An integral member during the merger, Michael also created the lodge’s Ordeal manual, our printed newsletter, and our website, as well as making important contributions to membership data management. |
William B. Chin | |
Recognized for Youth Service Lodges: Tankiteke, Owaneco
Bill was a ceremonialist in Tankiteke lodge and also a lodge chief in the years before the merger and has made important contributions to the ultimate success of Owaneco Lodge. |
Ralph J. Deer | |
Recognized for Adult Service Lodges: Chief Pomperaug, Tankiteke, Owaneco
The late Ralph Deer was an inspiration to all, youth and adult, as he exemplified brotherhood and cheerful service by diligently working in many capacities and helping institute the OA Day program at summer camp. |
John “Chris” Fagan | |
Recognized for Adult Service Lodges: Arcoon, Owaneco
Chris was a founding member and the current adviser for the Quinnipiac Dancers, Owaneco’s award-winning dance team which has earned respect and accolades thanks to Chris’s service. |
Charles A. Figlar, Sr. | |
Recognized for Adult Service Lodges: Tankiteke, Owaneco
“Uncle Chuck” is the epitome of cheerful service; he is a deeply respected servant leader in our lodge, where he reliably does the tasks that no one chooses. |
Neil P. Harris | |
Recognized for Youth Service Lodges: Owaneco
Neil has been an inspiring figure to many during his lengthy tenure as a lodge officer and has consistently made it his purpose to reinvigorate the youth leadership of the lodge throughout his years of service. |
Robert A. Kravecs, III | |
Recognized for Youth Service Lodges: Owaneco
As a two-term lodge chief, Rob brought brothers in Owaneco closer after the merger; he also instituted the OA Day program at summer camp, as well as the Winter Banquet’s silent auction, which funds the James E. West fellowship award. |
Christopher J. McCloskey | |
Recognized for Youth Service Lodges: Owaneco
Chris recruited a record setting 32 members to be part of Owaneco’s ArrowCorp5 contingent, and this is just a shadow of the greater lasting impact he left on membership in Owaneco. |
Patrick L. Sullivan | |
Recognized for Youth Service Lodges: Tankiteke
Pat is one of the leaders who is responsible for the excellence of Owaneco’s ceremonies today; he led his team to careful study and memorization, as well as improved costume awareness of cultur |